NA, QM 1/13/1862

Asst. QM Genl Office, 13th January 1862
   The following statement in reference to the rate of charges upon Rail Roads, for freight, under the Chattanooga convention, is respectfully referred to the QM General
   It is not possible to strike an average and show the precise relation between the prices paid for transportation by individuals under the Local Tariffs of the various Rail Roads, and the prices paid by the Government under what is known as the Chattanooga Tariff. Hitherto the R. Roads have charged the Government only one half of the local rates, or one half of the rates paid by individuals.
   The local tariffs of the several Roads differ greatly, hence an average cannot be reached, nor indeed is it material, since it is sufficiently manifest that the Chattanooga plan pays the Roads much more than they have been receiving -- and it may be safely alleged that every Road, whether long or short receives, under that plan, more than individuals pay for the same transportation. The excess cannot be stated at any precise and uniform sum, since it must necessarily vary with the different Roads, but it may be safely set down as an excess in the case of each Road. In other words it may be safely assumed that under the Chattanooga rates, the Government is paying more for transportation to every Road than individuals pay for the same transportation. I take two Roads as illustrations -- one a long, the other a short Road.

A Long Road

   Take the Wilmington  Weldon Road which is 162 miles long.

1st class

such for instance as ammunition. Individuals pay 90 cts per 100, which under Chattanooga rates the Government pays 73 cts. on other articles in this class, such as medicines, individuals pay 90 cts, while the Government pays, under Chattanooga plan only 22 1/2 cts

2d class

(Cuttlery, designs in wood &c)

Individuals pay 55 cts per 100 lbs, while under the Chattanooga plan the Govt pays 32 1/2 cts (few items of this class are transported for the Government) 

3rd class

(anvils, molasses, coffee, &c)

Individuals pay 35 cts per 100. Government under Chatt plan pays 32 1/2 cts (Few articles of this class are carried for the Govt.)

4th class

?achons, Guano, Horse shoes &c pork & beef

Individuals pay 30 cts pr 100. Government under Chatt. plan pays 32 1/2 cts. (This class embraces much of the Govt freight transported on the Road, such as ordnance
Specific Articles Not Classified, such as


Individuals pay 10 cts per bushel. Government under Chatt plan pays 17 1/2 cts


Individuals pay $2 pr ton (2240 lbs). Government under chatt plan pays $7 20/100 pr ton

Pig iron

same as coal

Flour in barrels

Individuals pay 50 cts pr barrel (200 lbs). Government under Chatt plan pays 70 cts pr barrel

Car load of live stock

Individuals pay $45. Government under Chatt plan pays $??

A Short Road

   Take the Richmond & Petersbg RR Co to illustrate the disadvantages to the Government of the Chattanooga rates. This Road is 22 1/2 miles long. The Chattanooga arrangement counts it, as it does all Short Roads, at 100 miles. It is permitted to charge 20 cts a hundred for a very large number of articles for which under the old arrangement it has charges but 8 cts which is 1/2 rate. The full rate, charges individuals on such articles is 16 cts being four cents less than the Government has to pay under the Chattanooga plan. Articles of the first class are carried for individuals at from 17 to 20 cts pr hundred, of the 2d class at from 13 to 16, of the 3d class at from 11 to 12, of 4th class 16 cts, of 5th class 12 cts, of 6th class 10 cts. These are the rates paid by individuals.
   But under the Chattanooga plan the Government pays 20 cts per hundred on all of these various classes of freight.
   There is a yet more marked difference in some articles not classified and which are charged at specific rates, for instance Iron pig & bar & coal when over five tons, an individual pays 8 cts per hundred, while under the Chattanooga rates the Government pays 20 cts, on corn individuals pay 9 cts per 100, while the Government has to pay 20 cts.
   As to car loads of stores baggage &c individuals are charged $14, while the Government under the Chattanooga rates can be charged $20. (the Road carrying them for only charges $7, being 1/2 of which an individual pays.)
Respy submitted
Larkin Smith
