NA, QMR 6/23B/1863

Raleigh, June 23, 1863
Asks that in the transportation of stores it may be allowed to give preference to QM hay, corn & to bacon -- that rice & other comsy not brought on may be stopped at Columbia instead of Charlotte N. C. for the present that some discretion may be allowed him. Maj Grice as to the points at which freight should be directed to letter of Maj Grice as procuring Engines & Cars from other roads to be used in N. C.
Chas S. Carrington (Major)
Referred to the Comsy Genl for his attention & approval if the suggestions are in accordance with his views as to the retention of freight at Columbia & points south as circumstances may dictate.
A. C. Myers  QM Genl
June 25/63
Respy retd to the Qr Mr Genl. The further transportation of rice sugar molasses can for the present be stopped. All other articles of subsistence must come forward at once. The corn referred to as being damaged so unfit for issue to the troops be turned over to the Qr Mr Dept so arrival with such additional quantity of good as can be spared.
L B Northrop  Comsy Genl
Entry in Quartermaster General's Letters Received Register
