NA, P 12/24/1863

Office Petersburg Railroad Company
Corner Washington and Union Streets
Petersburg, Virginia, December 24th 1863
Brig. Genl. A. R. Lawton
Qr Mr Genl.
   I am under the necessity of applying to the Government to detail from the Army four men as Machinists upon the Petersburg Rail Road, and by instruction of the Secretary of War, I present this application to you. This company has not had a Machinist detailed from the Army since the commencement of the War, nor has this company had a man detailed of any sort to it out of the army in the field. The condition of the Engines and rolling stock of the Company which have been very heavily tasked for the last two years and a half years is now such that it is impossible for the men now in the service of the Company to keep them in proper order. Several Engines are now in the shops in a disabled condition which it is impossible to repair for want of the necessary machinists.
   The want of these Engines materially cripples the ability of the Rail Road to do the business of the Government, which would of course be still further impaired if other Engines should break down while these are in the shops. I entertain serious apprehension that unless we can get an additional force of Mechanics by a detail from the Army, the business of the Govt. must before long suffer great interruption upon this road. It has been found impossible to get Machinists elsewhere and it is believed that no increase of wages which are now very high would enable us to do so.
   I may add that I am not induced to make this application for details because I am unwilling to pay the wages that would be necessary to get the men elsewhere, I would pay any wages if men could be found rather than draw them from the Army. But in fact as you doubtless know, the men are not to be found outside of the Arm. It may be well to state for explanation that a number of Mechanics some of the Machinists left this Company and went into the service shortly after the war broke out, who have never come back to it, and two of our Machinists died, so that our force of Machinists is actually less at this time than at the commencement of the war, notwithstanding the great increase of our need for them. It is only because our machinery was in excellent order at the beginning of the war that we have been able to get along to this time.
   The following list of names of Machinists known or believed to be in Genl R. E. Lees army, in some of the regiments from Virginia or North Carolina. The first four I would prefer, but any four of them would answer our purpose.
1. Jos B. Goodwin, Lieut Co F 16th Va Regt Mahones brigade, Andersons division
2. George W. Evans privates Co C, 12th Va Regt same brigade & division
3.Stephen G. Ledbetter
4. David G. N. Baltimore Co C 12th Va Regt same brigade & division  {corrected to Co F 16th Va}
5. Eli Totly private Co K 12th Va Regt same brigade & division
6. Ben F Kirkland private in Co K, C or F in one of the above Regiments
7. John Divine entered one of the N Carolina Regts
   I beg your early attention as I understand this application will unavoidably be delayed for some time under the Rules of the department.
Very respectfully
Your obt Sevt
C. O. Sanford
Prest Petersburg R Road Co
{on back of document}
QMGO Dec 29 1863
Approved and Respectfully referred to the Sec of War with the hope that these details will be granted. It is essential to us that R. R. Transportation be made as efficient as possible.
A R Lawton
Qr Mr Genl
Detail four commencing at 2d ???
30 Dec 63
