{Though there is no
date on this document, it clearly is related to NA, QMR 1-5-64
and is given that date} |
In the case of Memphis & Ohio R. Road
by S. Jones, Supt, |
It is alleged that by order of Maj. Genl.
Polk in the Spring of 1862 the Charleston & Memphis R. R. the Miss
& Tenn Rail road & the Memphis & Ohio Rail road built
through the City of Memphis connecting all the roads for the purpose
of transporting troops, supplies &c from one road to the other
that the connecting road through the city was built under the orders
of Genl. Polk for the use of the Government, and cost the three roads
$49,500, or in that neighborhood. It is alleged that the Memphis &
Charleston road was paid 1/3 of the amt by Majr Anderson, Q. M. at
Columbus Miss and that his papers have been returned to Richmond with
the Evidence & Vouchers upon which the claim was collected which I
presume as all the roads have the same claim for pay, the evidence
establishing one will be sufficient for the others. the facts are
stated upon the information from S. Jones Esq. Supt of the Memphis
& Ohio Rail road |
Geo Dixon |