NA, M 4/23/1861

Macon, Ga. 23rd April 1861
Hon. L. P. Walker
Dr Sir,
   My friend & relation Mr Hazlehurst will hand you this letter. He is a civil engineer by profession & has had a large experience. He has been engaged in the construction of some of the most important Rail Roads n the Southern Country, among then the New Orleans & Jackson {New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern RR}, the Southern {of}  Mississippi & the Nashville & Chattanooga. He is at present chief Engineer on the road in process of construction between this city & the city of Augusta {Milledgeville RR}. Mr H. is an energetic thorough man of business & stands deservedly high in his profession.
   From motive of patriotism, he visits Montgomery to tender his services as an Engineer, to the Government of the Confederate States.
   If such services are needed, I am sure, that the Government will do well to secure his engagement.
With consideration yr obdt. Servt.
E. A. Nisbet
   I have known Mr Hazelhurst long & will and endorse him fully as a gentleman and as an Engineer of the first character in our Country and in his motives to be solely patriotic & hope you will aid him in his wishes.
Sam Tate
