NA, ML 4/13A/1863

Macon Ga. April 13th 1863
Col J Gorgas
Chf of Ordnance
Richmond, Va.
   I have had the honor in former letters to bring under your notice the danger of building operations for the Ordnance Department at this point being stopped by want of transportation on the railroads centering in Macon, especially the Macon & Western R/R, extending from this place to Atlanta, and upon which the projected works under direction of Col. J. H. Burton and myself are located.
   The great want, that of cars, can be supplied if wheels and axles can be had. The Macon & Western R/R Co. has with commendable energy begun the manufacture of wheels at the Co.'s Shops, but axles must be had from some extraneous source.
   The R/R Co's are practically cut off from supplies from the rolling mills of the South, owing to the fact that the latter are all under Government control. Unless some aid therefore is extended to the R/R Co's by Government enabling the rolling stock to be kept up it will be impossible to obtain transportation for Government supplies. The difficulty is increasing rapidly every day as car after car wears out or is disabled by accident, and this question of R/R transportation is one of vital importance to the prosecution of the Government buildings in the neighborhood of Macon. Unless building materials can be hauled the work must stop.
   I would respectfully ask that the Macon & Western R/R Co. be allowed to purchase from the Etowah Works, the Tredegar Works, or some other establishment under Government Control iron axles enough for 5 or 6 cars, they will make the wheels themselves, build the cars, and as I am informed, can probably do most of the work required by the Ordnance establishments here, if this very modest addition to their rolling stock be made.
I am, Col. &c. J. W. M.
{J. W. Mallet  Captain}
