NA, MG 9/14/1861

The Confederate States
To F. J. Cannon
Date of Purchase   Dollars Cents
Septem 14 496 Cross Ties for rail road switch {probably on the Manassas Gap RR}, use of Quarter Mastr Department @ 35c 173 60


173 60
   I certify that the above account is correct and just; the articles are to be (or have been) accounted for on my property return for the 3rd quarter ending on the 30th day of September 1861.
Wm W Weisiger Asst Quartermaster
   Received at Manassas the 14 of September 1861 of Captn W. W. Weisiger asst Quartermaster one hundred & seventy three dollars and sixty cents, in full of the above account.
J. F. Cannon
