NA, MG 2/XX/1864

Confederate States
 1864   To the Manassas Gap RRd Co.
Feby To Rent of 37 freight cars from 30th June to 31st July, in all 1147 cars @ $4 per day 4,588.00
To rent of 2 passenger cars for same period in all 62 cars at $5 310.00
To rent of locomotive engine and 3 men collecting cars from 1st May to 31st July in all 92 days at $30 2,760.00
To 20 freight cars lost while in the possession of Govt $1,500 ea 30,000.00
To 2 Passenger cars lost while in the possession of Govt $4,000 ea 8,000.00
To rent of 17 cars, recovered, whilst being repaired in all 1037 days at $4 per day  61 days 4,148.00
To repairs of 17 cars received by Manassas Gap RRd Co Estimated at $400 each 6,800.00
   The above acct is approved and recommended to be paid to Manassas Gap RRd Co, for Fifty six thousand six hundred & six 00/100 dollars, in full for all claims for rents of cars and locomotive, & damages thereto while in the service of Govt.
F. W. Sims
Lt. Col. & Q. M.
