NA, MG 1/30/1862

Confederate States of America
To Manassas Gap R. R. Co.
Jany 30th To cost of siding put in by special agreement at the Thoroughfare Station  ??? Co Va $715 50
Mem. There was a large slaughter house & packing establishment for pork & beef at this point & a switch was necessary. The RRd agreed to make it if the Govt wd pay a certain portion of the expense. the above is that portion.    
  B P Noland Maj and CS    
   I certify the above account is just and correct -- that I agreed that with the party above named to perform the said service at the price above stated, amounting to $715 50/100 and that the same was necessary for the public service.
B P Noland
Major & CS
   Received January 30th 1862, of B P Noland Maj & C. S. Seven hundred and fifteen 50/100 Dollars, in full of the above account.
J McD Goldsborough
Chf Eng MG
