NA, MC 12/12/1862

The Confederate States of America
To C. A. Johnston



Dec. 12th

For Services rendered in carrying an important dispatch from Water Valley to Grenada, (Miss) on the night of Novr. 30th 1862, running a hand car over a portion of the Miss Central Rai Road which had been cut by the enemy 25 00
  {nothing written on this line} 25 00
    25 00
   I certify that the above account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated; and that they were necessary for the public service.
Saml. H Sockett
Capt of Engs CSA
   Received at Grenada the 12th day of December 1862 of Capt W H Sackett Engrs C. S. Army, the sum of Twenty five Dollars and     Cents, in full of the above account.
C. A. Johnston
