NA, MA 4/13B/1863

Forest City Foundry
Augusta Apl 13th 1863
Capt. J. W. Mallet
Macon Ga
Dr Sir,
   We are in receipt of yours of 11th inst in relation to cars & of impressments also a?? ??? to which we have to say that we are engaged in the manufactury of car wheels and other car castings, -- but not of axles or springs. The axles might be obtained from the Etowah Manufacturing Co. Wm T Quinby Prest on Requisition in May, W. R. Hunt, Selma Ala. who is Military Comandant of the works. But we would advise that you confer with Mess. Quinby & Co first for springs you will have to obtain old ones from some Rail Road Co and put them in order. Since we made the agreement with Maj. Cuyler for wheels, the price of Iron has been advancing on us ($50) fifty dollars per. Your wheels will consequently  be at a higher figure than his; the prices can only be set when the work is commenced, the prices we have to charge then is 20/c pr pound. The want of coal will probably prevent us from commencing your work for at least two (2) months being required to do it will be about two (2) weeks. Should you be able to furnish any of the Iron, it would put your work forward very much and considerably reduce the cost.
Very Trully yours Captain
Lafturrord & Timmons
