C. S. Armory, Macon Ga |
Feb 3d 1864 |
Mr R. C. Wilder |
Macon Armory |
Sir, |
You will proceed without delay to the saw
mills of Delettre & Dykes, on the line of the Macon & Brunswick R. R.
and make arrangements for, and superintend the shipment on the cars of
the lumber specified in the enclosed list. You will also inspect the
lumber as to quality and reject such as you may deem to possess
"injurious defects." The contractors are obligated to deliver the lumber
on the cars at their expense, but it will be necessary to employ teams
to draw the cars from the saw mills to Coley's Station, beyond which
point the Engine cannot go, as the rails are not laid on the stringers.
It will also be necessary to employ a force of negro laborers, to reload
the lumber on the cars at Coley's Station. You will contract for both
the teams and laborers on the best terms you can make, and keep a
correct account of the service rendered by each, until the removal of
the whole of the lumber is effected. It is probable that Messrs Delettre
& Dykes can furnish teams and labor for this purpose or assist you in
arranging with other parties for them. Judge Cochrane the Presdt of the
Road, has promised to supply the cars when required, and you will call
upon him for them as you want them. I will request him to afford you all
the facilities he can. You will understand that the entire matter of the
removal of the lumber in question to this Armory, is placed in your
hands for execution, and you are authorized to make all arrangements
necessary to that end, as the lumber is indispensible to the purpose of
this Armory and must be got here as soon as possible. You will therefore
bring all you energy and perseverance to bear on the accomplishments of
the duty you are charged with. |
I am Sir |
Respectfully Your Obedt Servt |
Jas. H. Burton |
Supt. |