NA, MA 12/2/1864

Dec 2d 1864 
Lt Col J. W. Mallet
Supt Laboratories
   I am very sleepy, but wont match you in line to go by Mr Fay early in the morning.
   I arrived this afternoon at 4 PM found Mr Fay at the Depot loading two cars of your property the only one he had obtained up to this afternoon. The papers (yours & mine) & one box which Mr F. said you wanted saved particularly left for Thomasville in charge of Mr Davis yesterday morning. Col. Gorgas or ??? this General Gorgas instead of telegraphing to Mr Fay an answer to ours, ordered Major Taylor to ship to Columbia the machinery & most valuable stores. I saw the Major who went with ??? to Central Depot where I saw Col Burtons machinery being loaded for Columbia. Nothing of your or mine yet gone to Columbia. My impression is that the machinery had better go to Thomasville for safety rather than to Columbia to be put up, for it is almost impossible to be certain that whatever does go will be complete. Impossible to say at this moment exactly what direction I will give to matters tomorrow, but will do my best.
   The enemy were reported an hour ago at Millen & reported to be moving slowly this way. Genl G. W. Smith had a stubborn fight day before yesterday in the vicinity of Pocotaligo a force of the enemy having come up  Broad River.
   Our forces being successful, driving the Yankees entirely off. Everything perfectly quiet here, people a little frightened, but the Military, cheerful & confident.
   Mr Fay will await further orders at Thomasville either from myself or from you. I ??? here at laterl & I think via Thomasville; certainly by that route if I can get my horse & buggy on the cars. The distances from Hawkinsville to Doctortown is about 138 miles.
   I write Major Taliaferro to go with this.
Owing Respect
Rich Mcfayulin
Lt Col &c
