NA, MA 1/3/1863

C. S. Armory
Macon, Ga Jany 3rd 1863
Col J. Gorgas
Chief of Ordnance
   I have today sent the following telegram to you, viz.:--
   "My special messenger has purchased two hundred and forty two boxes of glass in Vicksburg, and one hundred and seventy two in Jackson, Miss. Transportation is refused by the Genl. in command. Please arrange transportation if possible in order to secure it."
   Learning that glass could be procured in Vicksburg and vicinity I sent over a messenger to purchase it which he has accomplished, to the extent specified above. The Genl in command (Pemberton, I believe) has issued such orders as will prevent the Qr Masters forwarding the glass for some weeks to come. I am very desirous of securing the glass beyond the possibility of doubt and think it ought to be removed from Vicksburg as soon as possible, in view of the anticipated attack upon that place by the enemy. I have paid for the glass 5092.20 and the loss of it would greatly retard my operations. If you can make any arrangements for its transportation out of Vicksburg I will thank you to do so, as I have done all in my power to this end.
I have the honor to be Colonel
Respectfully Your obdt servt
Jas H. Burton
P. S. The glass is in the hands of the Qr Masters at Vicksburg and Jackson Miss
