NA, G 1/30/1864

Georgia Rail Road

Augusta Jany 30/64
Maj. F. W. Sims
Qr Mas
   I enclose you the manes of Twenty Five men who have agreed to furnish Wood, Ties and Timber for the use of this Road. They will be able to supply one third the quantity necessary to the Road.
   In order to make claim on you for as few as possible I have made contracts with no men who would not agree to furnish at least three negroes and teams in correspond. I think it will be necessary to have a detail for one man for every Two Miles of Road to furnish Wood and Ties. Unless we can obtain this character of supply our Road must soon become inefficient.
   As soon as we can select such men as are able to furnish negroes and teams to keep up the necessary supply I will forward their names to you and hope that the Govt will take such action as will enable us to answer its demands for transportation.
Yours Respectfully
Geo. Yonge
Genl Supt
