NA, ENG 9/24/1863

Engineer Bureau
Sept. 24th, 1863
H. D. Whitcomb, Esq.
Genl. Supt. Va. Central R. R. {General Superintendent, Virginia Central RR}   Richmond
   Your letter of the 17th, submitting to the Bureau certain questions relative to the operation of the draft recently made upon the counties of Virginia for slave labor to be employed on the public defence, has been received, and, on conference with the Hon. Secretary of War it was decided:
   1st That slaves actually employed on your road at the time that the draft was made, will be relieved on application and certificate from you of the fact; &
   2d  That owners of slaves will not be exempted from furnishing their quota for the fortification under the call on condition of furnishing a like number to the Rail Road Company.
Yours very respectfully
A. L. Rives
Lt. Col. & Actg Chf. Bur.
