NA, ENG 7/1C/1864

Engineer Bureau
July 1, 1864
Hon. Jas. A. Seddon
Sec'y of War
   I have ascertained that the enemy damaged some eighteen miles of the R. & D. R. R. in this recent raid. Every assistance in the power of the Engr. Bureau has been furnished. From the representations made it is probable that a month in all will be required to complete the repairs. Say three weeks from this time with present arrangements. I see no way of hastening materially this period except by impressing teams & hands along the line. It is possible by so doing to reduce the time of completion a fortnight. The force at work is approximately as follows: 
Capt Myers with 150 hands
5 Companies of 1st Engr Regt 200 effective hands
Mechanics furnished by Navy & Engrs 60
R&D R. R. Co.'s hands 100 probably


Engaged in removing iron from the York River R. R.
2 Engineer Companies 80 men
Engineer laboring force 150
230 men
   Tomorrow 2d July the Navy Dept will furnish a further assistance of 60 mechanics. Thus as soon as the iron is removed from the {Richmond &} York River R. R. the total working force on the repairs of the R & D {Richmond & Danville} R. Rd. will be approximately Eight hundred effective hands. To these Eight hundred I hope will be added in a few days, three hundred hands from Halifax Co. called out for the work in accordance with your instructions of yesterday.
   The grand total would then be about Eleven hundred.
Very Resp'y &c
A. L. Rives
Col. &c
   If the able bodied hands recently recaptured from the enemy around Petersburg could be sent to work on the R&D R. R. the work of repair would be very materially advanced.
A. L. R.
