NA, ENG 6/9G/1863

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, June 9th, 1863
Hon. James M. Baker
Fayetteville, N. C.
   Your letter of the 1st. inst. addressed to the Hon. Sec. of War in regard to the removal of the iron of the Florida R. Rd. has been referred to this Bureau for a reply showing the reasons that justify the proposed seizure.
   It is not proposed to remove the iron of the above road to extend the Geo. & Pensacola R. Rd {??}. It is only intended to take such action when the imperative necessity of roads of vital importance to the Confederacy demand it.
   Hoping that the above short assurance will explain to your satisfaction and justify at the same time such course as may be adopted by the Confederate authorities.
Very Respectfully
J. F. Gilmer
Colonel of Engr. & Chf. of Bureau
