NA, ENG 6/27C/1864

Engineer Bureau
June 27th 1864
Col. W. H. Stevens
Chief of Constn DNV
   Col. Rives, who is now absent from the city directed me before leaving to apply to you in case negro labor should be needed. Genl. Lee has written to Genl. Gilmer requesting him to aid as far as possible in repairing the damage to the {Richmond &} Danville Road. Mr. Talcott Supdt of the Road, Col Sims & Genl Lawton have requested the Engr Bureau to supply as many hands as possible. I therefore resp'y request that you will furnish as many hands as you can spare and inform me by bearer of the number & the time they can be reported at the Danville R. R. depot.
   Col. Sims requested that they be in readiness if you can spare them to leave in the morning train at 6 o'clock tomorrow.
   The Secretary of War has ordered the Engr Troops with the exception of two companies to Richmond to be sent on the Danville Road. Could not the Townes be placed at the disposal of Col Talcott to bring up his regiment.
By direction of Col. A. L. Rives &c
Isaac W. Smith
Capt. Eng.
