NA, ENG 6/15A/1864

Engineer Bureau
June 15, 1864
H. D. Whitcomb, Esq.
Genl Supdt. Va. Central R. R.
   I have had a conversation this morning with the Hon. Sec. of War with regard to the repairs of your road, and am instructed by him to inform you that he does not consider it judicious to press forward the work of reconstruction, especially as regards the bridges, until more definite information shall have been received as to the movements of the enemy's raiding parties along your line. Such information it is hoped will be received in the course of the next few days, and in the meantime work could be done in the city with a view to accelerating operations on the same when circumstances permit you to commence them.
Very Resp'y
A. L. Rives
Col. &c.
