NA, ENG 5/30A/1863

Engineer Bureau
May 30, 1863
Capt. J. A. Haydon
Engineer Corps P. A C. S.
Knoxville, Tenn.
   Your letter of the 25th inst. in regard to the removal of the Rogersville Branch R. Rd. iron, and enclosing your and General Buckner's letters to Col. R. G. Fain, President of the road has been received.
   Understanding that an injunction has been granted, the Hon. Sec. of War wishes you to secure legal advice, and take the usual steps to have the injunction dissolved.
   The Hon. J. B. Heiskell does not seem to think that the company wish to delay the decision of the court, and it is therefore hoped that you will be able to secure prompt and satisfactory action.
Very Respectfully Yours
J. F. Gilmer
Col. of Engrs & Chf of Bureau
