NA, ENG 5/19/1863

Engineer Bureau
May 19th, 1863
Colonel E. Fontaine
President Va. Central R. Rd.
Richmond, Va.
   On the 7th of January 1863 the Hon. Sec. of War, authorized Capt. E. T. D. Myers, Chief Engineer of the Piedmont Rail Road to take fifty per cent of the unlaid iron of the Va. Central Rail Road.
   In consideration of the want of your road & the earnest representations of yourself and Mr. Whitcomb this call has been delayed thus far. The necessities of the Government however compel action at this time but the following proposition is offered as a substitute and it is hoped will prove much less burdensome to the company. It is this. In lieu of the new iron called for on the 7th January 1863, you will please deliver at as early a day as practicable at your depot in Richmond an equivalent length of old iron which will be accepted as satisfactory compliance with the above authorization of the Hon. Sec. of War. 
   An acknowledgement of this letter and your early attention to the subject mater of it is earnestly requested.
Very Respectfully Your obt. Servt.
J. F. Gilmer
Col. of Engrs & Chf of Bureau
Jas. A. Seddon
Sec. of War
