NA, ENG 2/25A/1863

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, February 25th, 1863
Lewis E. Harvie Esq.
Prest. R. & D. R. Rd. Co.  {President, Richmond & Danville RR}
Richmond, Va.
   Your letter of yesterday, to the Secretary of War, in reference to the Amelia hands, has been referred to this Bureau.
   The order of the County Court of Amelia, asking that the 200 slaves impressed in their county, be sent to work on the Piedmont Rail Road is approved.
   You will please communicate this fact to the count and ask that the Sheriff of Amelia County be directed to deliver the hands to Capt. E. T. D. Myers, Corps Engrs. at Danville, who is authorized to receipt for them.
Very Respectfully Yours
J. F. Gilmer
Colonel & Chf of Engr Bureau
