NA, ENG 12/3/1863

   Endorsement on letter from Col. C. F. M. Garnett to Sec of War in regard to papers referred to him concerning the Florida Railroads. Dec 2d/63.
   Eng. Bureau Dec 3rd/63. Respectfully forwarded to the Hon Secy of War with various papers relative to the Florida Railroads herewith returned. The Eng. Bureau is clearly of opinion that the Live Oak and Lawton connection, East of Allapoha {the Alapha River} is preferable to that from Tallahassee to the Chattahoochee River. The former is already graded and some of the cross ties on the ground, so that, though its length is forty two miles, it can be rapidly put in running order, while the latter, twenty two miles in length, requiring heavy grading, will necessarily be of slow realization. The importance of the Lawton and Live Oak connection is fully recognized and it will be seen from Col. Garnett's letter that, measures have already been taken in that direction -- but the Bureau agrees with him that the advantages arising from the connection of the Waldo & Ocala Branch Road {a 33-mile branch off the Florida RR} are not sufficient to justify the diversion of so much railroad iron from more important connections. It would seem proper at this time that the iron should be removed from the Florida RR only at its extremities -- from Baldwin northward {approximately 45 miles} and from Gainsworth {Gainesville?} southward {approximately 60 miles}, thus leaving untouched a portion of about fifty miles {the Waldo to Ocala branch would have connected to this remaining part of the Florida RR}. I regret to state, from information first received, that the Florida Railroads from which it has been determined to remove iron have taken legal steps to resist such action.
A. L. Rives
Lt Col & Actg Chf Bureau
