NA, ENG 11/9/1863

Engineer Bureau
November 9th 1863
John F. Scott Esq
Fredericksburg, Va.
   Your letter of the 30th inst proposing in company with your brother, Charles Scott Esq to enter into a contract with the CS Govt for the removal and safe delivery of the RR Iron between Fredericksburg and Acquia Creek, has been referred to this Bureau for reply by the Hon Secy of War. {This iron was on the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR.}
   The Secretary does not think it judicious to enter into contracts with private individuals to effect the object in question, measures having been adopted under his direction, by this Bureau, to save as much of the iron as is possible whenever the movements of the enemy leave us free to operate in Stafford.
Yours Very Respectfully
A. L. Rives
Lt Col & Actg Chf of Bureau
