NA, DW 6/25/1863

Hd. Qrs. Dep't of the West
Jackson, Miss June 25th 1863
M. Emmanuel Esq
Vice Prest Sou. R. R.  {Southern (of Mississippi) RR}
Jackson Miss
   Your letter of the 24th inst addressed to Genl Johnston respecting the desire of your company that he shall give "A written guarantee that should the enemy destroy the bridge within ninety day from the present date, the loss should fall on Govt" has been received. In reply I have respectfully to stat that the Genl does not feel authorized to comply with your request. In the first place he has not the power to insure the property of your road. In the second, he thinks where your company have so much at stake, it should be willing to take a share of the possible risk. Add to this the great profit it is believed would accrue to your road by the rebuilding of the bridge, and it appears to him that your company would be sufficiently repaid. Already if the General is correctly informed, the Government authorities have furnished no little aid to your road, and they are disposed to render it still more. The General is pleased to see your willingness to have him select "some suitable officer to aid & assist the officer of your road in completion of its repairs," and with the permission of the Company, will telegraph for Col. Tate to come on for that purpose.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt,
Col. & Inspec. Genl.
