NA, DT 2/3/1865

Head Quarters Dist. Texas &c
Houston Texas February 3rd 1865
Special Order 34
1. Upon the application of Mr A. C. Mulligan, Superintendent of the B. B. B. & C. R. R. {Buffalo Bayou, Brazos & Colorado RR}, stating that the services private Vincent Allen, Co D, 2d Regt Tex. Infty, are indispensably necessary for the proper working of said road, private Allen is hereby detailed for thirty (30) days and will report to Capt E. L. Heriot, Inspg Engr of RRoads at Houston for assignment as above.
6. The services of the following named men being necessary for keeping in repair & the proper running of the BBB&C RRoad they are hereby detailed until further orders with that Compy and will report to Capt E. L. Heriot, Inspecting Engr or Rail Roads at Houston.
Private Thos. A. Little, Co B  2d Regt Tex Infty            Engineer
      "     Thos Ewell           "           "        "     "              Overseer
      "     James Lambert      "           "         "     "             Engineer
      "     D. W. Lettig       Co A 2d Bat. Wauls' Legion   M. Machinist
      "     J. H. Collins      Bustin Co. 20th Regt Tex Infty Carpenter
      "     J. N. Collins            "             "               "                 "
      "     Matt. Banith        Davidson's Co, Regsdd's Batt Station Agt
      "     M. A. Quinn                "                    "            "    Foreman
      "     R H Worthington Stevenson's Co. 20th Regt Tex Infty Rd Carpenter
