NA, A&G 9/28/1864

Superintendent's Office A&G RR
Savannah 28th Septr 1864
Col. F. W. Sims A. A. G.
Richmond Va
Dear Sir,
   I am once more compelled to call on you to assist me out of a dilemma. Sincerely hoping that you will excuse me for this taxing your kindness.
   All of the principal & most important Farmers & Planters on the line of this Road are bonded Planters & forced by their bond to dispose of their produce to the Government or to Soldiers Families. In consequence of which they refuse & positively decline selling me supplies for the use of the hands (Negroes) in the employ of the Road, unless I procure a certificate from the Government giving them permission to furnish me with such grain meat & supplies as I may need for the hands. Unless I get such an order it will be next to impossible for me to purchase supplies, as the Farmers positive refuse to sell unless they have permission  from the Government fearful lest it may forfeit their Bond. I have in the neighborhood of 350 hands (Negroes) engaged in repairs of Road & Bridges and as Train hands & ware house hands. Unless they are fed it will be impossible to keep them on the Road & unless repy on the Road it will be impossible to operate the Road successfully. I shall require about 45,000 lbs of Bacon & about 5000 Bushels of Corn. In case I have to purchase hogs & fatten them to kill, I shall require a much larger quantity of corn to enable me to feed the hogs. 
   The favor I have to ask is that you will lay the matter before the Secty of War or before the Quarter Master General. Press my claims upon them & use your influence to procure from either of them a Certificate giving the Quarter Master & Commissarys of this district permission to furnish me with such supplies as I need for the use of the Road, and to pay Government prices. (Or whatever the articles may of cost) for all supplyes received, by which means the Government will loose nothing & I will be supplyed without having to enter the market in competition with the Government & possibly advance the prices of such few articles as may be left in the market for Sale. Should the Government prefer giving me a certificate authorizing me to purchase what is needed from bonded Planters and authorizing bonded Planter to sell me such supplyes as I needed, it will answer my purpose fully as will as I can readily procure the Supplyes if I can but procure the consent of the Government for bonded Planters to sell me what I need, by giving the above necessary your attention & urging it & letting me know the results of your efforts at your earlyest convenience
You will much oblige
Yours Very Respey
J. J. Fulton
Genl Supertd
{General Superintendent, Atlantic & Gulf RR}
