NA, A&F 6/5A/1863

Treasury Department
C. S. A
Richmond June 5, 1863
O. M. Avery Esq
Prest Ala. & Fla. R. R. Co. {of Florida}
   I have received your application to be furnished with 8 per cent Bonds in payment of your claim against the Government. The claim appears to rest upon just grounds, but as the authority given us to issue such Bonds is a limited authority, and does not include such a case as yours, I am under the necessity of referring you  to Congress. As your claim has been passed through all the departments and can be paid, I would suggest as your best plan that you take payment in Treasury notes, which you can immediately fund in 6 percent Bonds. You can then at the next session of Congress ask leave to exchange these for 8 per cent Bonds.
   If granted your views will be to act, and if referred you will be ???, and if refused you will at least have six per cent interest in the meantime.
Very Respectfully
E. G. Memminger
Secty of Treas.
