NA, A&F 5/23/1863


May 23, 1863
Hon Secry of War
   The claim of the Ala. & Fla. R. R. Co (of Fla) for property taken for a public use more than 12 months since papers for which could not be obtained until April of the present year -- was sent in to the War Department on the 13th Ult.
   A report was made by the Auditor on the 23d ult.
   The Q. M. Gen'l was required to present evidence of the nature of iron at the time this property was taken within a reasonable time.
   Nearly one month has passed and yet the Qr Mr Gen'l is not ready with his evidence. 
   The undersigned respectfully submits whether to require him to wait longer -- subject to great expense -- away from his business and his home, will not virtually amount to a denial of justice.
   Trusting the Hon Secretary will agree with the undersigned in this view he again asks that the Auditor be instructed to Audit the account of the Ala & Fla RR Co (of Fla.) and report.
O. M. Avery
Pst Ala Y Fla RR Co
