MISC, M&T 6/7/1861

Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad
Memphis, June 7, 1861
   The number of applications for Free Passes, on Military Duty, renders it necessary for this Company to establish uniform rules to govern this branch of its traffic, which rules will be enforced, by order of the Board of Directors.
   1st. Troops and Munitions of War will be transported at one-half the local rates, for the States of Mississippi and Tennessee and the Confederate States of America. Officers in command of Companies or Detachments, passing over this Road, will be required to give Vouchers in duplicate for said service.
   2d. Soldiers on furlough will be transported at half fare, by presenting their furloughs to Agents or Conductors and paying half fare, or by presenting an order on this Company from the Quartermaster's Department, authorizing it to pass said Soldier in the service of the States above mentioned, or the General Government, which order will be taken up and retained, as evidence that said service has been performed.
   3d. Volunteers, not mustered into service, traveling singly or in Companies, will be charged full fare, unless moving to a place of rendezvous for the purpose of being mustered into service, by order of some Commanding Officer, which order must be filed in the Office of the General Superintendent, before he will direct said service to be performed.
   4th. Bearers of Dispatches and other Special Agents of the States above mentioned, or the Confederate States, will be charged half price only, on producing an order from the Governor or either of said States, or from any of the Heads of Departments of the Confederate States, or from the Chief Officer in command of any Military Post, requesting such service; said order in all cases to be directed to this Company, and filed with the Agent or Conductor, or fare paid in cash.
R. Hough
General Superintendent
{Found by David Wake at http://diglib.lib.utk.edu Dead link}
