LVA, TRED 11/13B/1861

Richmond Nov. 13, 1861

George Yonge Esq
Supt Geo RRd Co.   {Superintendent, Georgia RR}
Augusta Geo
Dear Sir,
   We hand you copy of letter from Fremont Supt W&W RRd {Superintendent, Wilmington & Weldon RR} on the subject of through freights, including the Pig Metal about which we have already had some conversations.  We hope it may suit you to make a rate for freights from the far South that will enable us to obtain necessary supplies from that quarter, for unless they can be obtained it will be impossible for us to supply our orders to Rail Roads or the Government.
   We are doing all in our power to keep down rates, for while we are paying double and over for everything we purchase, we have made no such advance in our rates & do not propose doing so unless we are ??ed by others.
We are
Yr obt svt
J. R. Anderson & Co.
