D, A&MR 1/25/1865

Office Selma & Meridian R. R.
Demopolis 25th Jany 1865
Comdr of the Post
   You were kind enough to show me a dispatch from Col. Brent A. A. G. to the effect that complaints were made of the delay of troops at this place. There has been but one delay here and that was for only about six hours in the night, the train was sent from Selma in ample time but was obliged to wait upon a side track 20 miles from here, for a troop train to pass east, as room on the track was clear, the train came through was loaded with the soldiers and sent to Selma. it could not have come sooner without being in danger of a collision with the troop train going east. Every effort possible is being made to press the troops through as rapidly as possible, all other business on the Road is given up, one Passenger train has been discontinued, trains I am sorry to say are delayed sometimes in passing over the road, this is owing to the condition of the road and the exceedingly unfavorable weather a large force of workmen kept constantly at work upon the track, but in the peculiar ??? through which this road posses but little improvement has been made, while the rainy weather continues. Every train I have at my command is running night & day, and every man in the employ of the road is doing his best to get the soldiers through in the shortest practicable time.
I am sir, Respectfully
M. B. Prichard
Gen. Supdt.
Se&M. R. R.
