B7, W&M 11/28/1862

Wilmington, N. C. Nov 28, 1862
{Sent to N. C. Governor Vance, but salutation not provided in the printed version.}
   Your telegram of 26th duly recd and replied to day. The meeting of stockholders of W & Manchester rr {Wilmington & Manchester RR} was yesterday adjourned until the 11th day of December; one week after the meeting of the W & Weldon road {Wilmington & Weldon RR}. It was proposed by our friends to have the meeting on next Thursday the 4th two days before that of the other road but our opponents favorable to the present officials of the Weldon Road, fearing that some action would be taken by us which might operate against their plans overruled us. We cannot control the election of President in the W & Weldon road without the cooperation of the Proxy of the W & Manchester road, and the President of the latter who holds the proxy and is the son in law of Mr Dickinson, one of the Directors of the former and who is personally interested and urgently advocates the election of Mr Wallace will not cast the vote for any other unless a pretty sharp rod is held over him. If his, Mr Walkers election was in jeopardy it might influence his action. The proxy of the State held by our friends, together with the individual stock under our control will enable us to elect any one as President of the Manchester road and Mr Walker knowing this may be influenced to cooperate with us in the proposed change at the Weldon road. This would certainly have been the result if the Manchester meeting could have been held first. If therefore it is desirable to make an inroad into the heretofore alliance between the officers of the two roads by which each one influenced the election of the other it must be done now, and if Mr Walker with the knowledge that a majority of his stockholders desire a change, which change can be made by his action and still persists in opposition to their wishes, as much as I regard him personally and as willing and indeed anxious as I have been to have him retain the Presidency of the Manchester road, I would vote against him and put another in his place, equally competent, but not tied down and to, other influences than those now predominant I shall leave town in the morning and return on Monday when I hope to be able to indicate some suitable person to hold and vote the state proxy. There are very few of our citizens yet returned, and as this whole matter is one requiring advisement counsel and prudence and as the meeting of Manchester Stockholders does not take place until the 11th proxo I hope the delay may not producer any  entanglements. If the proxy were transferable I would suggest Genl Alex McRae as a proper person, but he is in command of a company at Fort Fisher and might not be able to attend or even to transfer. The question was raised at the meeting yesterday as to the eligibility of a director to hold the proxy but not decided -- the charter does no forbid it neither does any by law. Mr W Wright gave his opinion when called upon as a legal gentlemen that a director was competent to hold and exercise the proxy, but I think the opinion of many was that a large proxy was held by me, and the disposition was to decide adversely. But for this I should have no objections to taking the responsibility. Many are averse to taking the responsibility of holding and voting so large a proxy and against the present Railroad influences. I myself have no such scruples. I think the times and circumstances require Sand justify strong measures and unshirking decision. I do not desire or wish by any means to have the proxy but if no one better can be appointed I would take the burthen and exercise the right even if the resignation of my directorship became necessary for a qualification. It will be important to know by 11 oclock Tuesday who will hold the proxy in the Manchester, but I think it will be time enough to telegram to you on Monday & receive reply. I hand inclosed the communication to Mr Meares placed in my hands for delivery -- as he was not here I retained and now hand it to you.
O. G. Parsley
