AHC, LPG 2/19/1863

Atlanta Feby. 19th 1863
Col. Benj. E. Green
Dalton Ga.
   Genl. Duff Green requested me to remit to you a draft in payment of iron obtained at his furnace near Jonesboro E. Ten. I enclose duplicate vouchers for your signature in the name of the firm, which you will please fill in where left blank in the vouchers.
   Genl. Green will be allowed the market price for the iron if it does not come within his contract with the Govt. The Dept. has thus far given me no discretion in this matter. Shall I send you a draft on Chattanooga or Atlanta?
Very Respectfully
L. P. Grant
Capt. Engrs. P. A. C. S.
{this was related to the repair of bridges on the East Tennessee & Virginia RR}
