AHC, LPG 1/11/1863

Knoxville Ten. Jany 11, 1863
Colonel J. F Gilmer
Chief of Engineer Bureau
Richmond Va.
   Capt. Hayden met me at the Holston Bridge yesterday and accompanied me to this place. We have had an interview with Mr. Maxwell today. He thinks it possible to anticipate the time mentioned in my last for the completion of the bridge. We lack pig iron for castings. I learn that Genl. Duff Green and partner have the quantity we need at their furnace 8 miles from Jonesboro. Capt. Hayden will go to their works tomorrow. Genl. Green informed me some 10 days ago that, he had contracted to furnish a large quantity of pig iron to the Govt. If we take this iron, what price per ton shall be allowed? Shall the ton be rated at 2000 lbs or 2240 lbs?
   Please give me the necessary instructions for settlement of bills here.
   Capt. Hayden will remain in charge, and I shall return to Atlanta. Necessary attention will be given to forwarding timber from Geo. and I hope to see the work pushed to meet your expectations.
Very Respectfully
L. P. Grant
Capt. Engs P. A.
