Biography of Robert Hill

No National Archives' biography exists for Robert Hill since he was not in the military. Blue entries are my biography.

   Robert Hill was born in Virginia in 1810. In the 1860 Census he was listed as an Agent and Collector with no Real Estate and $500 Person Estate. He wife, Fanny, was also from Virginia. They had 6 children, with the oldest being 18 years old.
   Throughout the war, Robert is mentioned in newspaper advertisements seeking Substitutes and offering various food supplies for sale. The last advertisement is from February 1865. I have been unable to find Robert after that date.
December 1861 Was appointed Transportation Agent for the Richmond & York River RR by Major Ashe
NA, RRB 5-31O-62
May 31, 1862 Paid
NA, RRB 5-31O-62
