Richmond & Danville Car Maintenance & Repairs FY1861

Dollars  10/1860 - 9/1861

Type Car Mileage Repairs Renewal Engine Mileage Cost per Mile Run by Train
Oil and Grease Repairs and Renewal Total
Passenger 426,385 2,432 66 85,461 0.34 2.92 3.26
Freight 1,128,422 4,958 4,706 113,429 0.90 8.52 9.42
Coal & Stone 45,424 604 0 4,689 2.71 12.87 15.58
Gravel 51,961 135 4 7,423 0.68 1.86 2.54
Material 68,081 9 0 12,160 1.27 0.06 1.33
TOTALS 1,717,273 8,138 4,775 223,162 0.74 5.78 6.52
