The Confederate Railroads have only once been
given a detailed examination. "The Railroads of the
Confederacy," by Robert Black, is a seventy-year-old look at the entire
subject. Though a classic, and the essential starting point in
understanding the railroads, Black was unable to cover the entire subject
in depth.
In order to make the data I was finding on the
Confederacy's railroads useful and accessible, I created this web
site. The initial site contained some 650 web pages (mostly 4 core
pages for each of some 110 railroads), but it was soon evident that
I was finding hard-to-locate information, that could be useful for
web users, that was not on the web. At that moment, the site began
its growth to its present 22,500+ pages.
I have been contacted by some 30 authors and
students for help with their research on some aspect of Confederate
railroads during the War. Another 50 or so users have contributed
data, maps and photographs for posting and use.
My research has resulted in my publishing a book on
Confederate Railroader Captain Thomas R. Sharp (see ad below) and is
supporting my work on a second book, on the Railroad Bureau.
I have visited every Confederate state's archives
and state library; I have spent weeks in the National Archives; and
I have visited numerous universities and railroad archive
depositories. My work still requires several more weeks in the
National Archives and a visit to the Atlanta History Center. And I
fully expect unanticipated finds in strange places.
I hope you find the site useful and enjoyable, and
will contribute any material you may have access to so we can all
use it.
David L. Bright |
Locomotives Up the Turnpike -- The Civil War Career of
Quartermaster Captain Thomas R. Sharp, C. S. A. is now
available -- the story of the Haul of a dozen Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad locomotives and over one hundred cars up the Virginia
Turnpike, from Martinsburg to Strasburg. Captain Sharp
established a major locomotive repair facility, acted as
Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina Railroad, and
filled other significant railroad positions.
231 pages, 6 color locomotive
renderings, 7 custom maps, 27 photographs, index, bibliography,

Order direct from me {here},
$25 post paid in US.
With this site, I present the details behind the
railroads. Here you will find each railroad, its location and length, its
type and size of rail, the number of cars and locomotives it had when the
war started, and the names and technical data of each locomotive. I've
also provided lists of stations on each road and comments about most
Confederate cities, taken from a Confederate railroad guide. I have also
posted well over 22,400 transcriptions of the railroad issues-related documents that I
continue to find and post.
I have created this site specifically because it is so hard to locate this
information -- and I am anxious to hear from any of you who have data or
sources to share to make this listing more complete and accurate. I am
particularly looking for photographs of Confederate locomotives that I can
Most of the important terms are defined in Data
Definitions and
discussed in the Essays section.
David L. Bright |