Government Transportation |
No. 4593 |
Shipped, in good order and
condition, by Captain P. H. Mayo, Assistant Quartermaster C. S. Army, on
the Richmond & Petersburg Rail Road, at Richmond, the following Stores,
viz: |
Date |
Articles |
Marks |
Weight |
Original Consignor |
Ultimate Consignee |
Ultimate Destination |
1864 |
Dec 23 |
One thousand Bbls H Bread |
96259 |
18,400 |
77,859 # Nett |
Twenty Hhds Sugar |
22,464 |
2759 |
" |
Forty four Bbls Coffey |
10,637 |
1188 |
" |
Five Bags Coffey |
" |
QM's Stores |
Maj J H Claiburn |
Capt E D Tannahill |
Rl Rd |
Wt of Bread 95,579 |
OK |
Petersburg Va. |
" |
Coffee 10631 lbs |
Excpt 2 Bbls Hard Bread Short Forty one (41)
lbs & |
one Hhd Sugar, Twenty five (25) lbs |
Thos. A. Macmais |
The Property of the Confederate States,
being marked and numbered as above, and are to be delivered in the like
good order and condition, at Petersburg, unto Major E. B. Branch,
Quartermaster, or his assigns, his or their receipt, upon this bill for
the same, being required to complete the evidence of delivery. |
In witness whereof, the Agent
of said Richmond & Petersburg Rail Road hath affirmed to four Bills of
Lading, all of this tenor and date -- one of which being accomplished,
the others to stand void. |
Dated at Richmond, Virginia,
day of
186 . |
Kasey Agent |
R&P Rail Road Company |
{On back of the
document} |
{Voucher Number?} |
{The weight (under
the Heading Marks) would have required 7 box cars -- this late in the
war, this was probably a full train load} |