OR, Series 4, Vol. 2, Page 508

Richmond, April 22, 1863
Hon. J. A. Seddon
Secretary of War
  I have the honor to present you herewith a report adopted by the representatives of railroads, and a copy of certain resolutions by them passed at a meeting yesterday. The report of resolutions embody the views entertained on the subjects which you presented for consideration.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant
R. R. Cuyler  {President, Central (of Georgia) RR and South Western RR}
[Inclosure No. 1]
  The committee whose duty it was made to consider the communication of the Secretary of War with the accompanying report and to report at 4 p.m. of this day what action shall be taken, beg leave to report that the representatives of the railroad companies now assembled at Richmond upon the invitation of the Honorable Secretary of War, are deeply impressed with the necessity of adopting such measures as will on the one hand secure for Government speedy and safe transportation of troops, munitions of war, and supplies by the railroads of the Confederacy, and on the other hand the proper maintenance of the railroad tracks, motive power, and machinery owned by the railroad companies.
  For the purpose of securing and accomplishing these great interests, which are or ought to be so intimately connected, the committee respectfully recommend the adoption of the following measures:
  First. That there should be established under the order of the Secretary of War, or under the authority of an act of Congress, a bureau attached to the Department of War to be called the railroad bureau, and to be placed in charge of Col. William M. Wadley, assistant adjutant-general, with four or more assistants, said assistants to be located at central convenient points in different sections of the country. That it be made the duty of such bureau, through its chief and assistants, to superintend all Government transportation, but not to have the control or direction of the motive power or cars by which such transportation is made; to agree with each railroad company in the Confederacy upon rates of passage for troops, and for rates of freight for the establishment of such schedules as may be found necessary and proper for the speedy transportation of army, navy, and other Government supplies; to make arrangements for the comfortable accommodation of sick and wounded officers and soldiers, and generally to protect and preserve the interest of the Confederacy in the premises, and to audit all claims arising under such contracts. That all orders or requests for Government transportation of every kind shall be made under such rules and regulations as may be established by the railroad bureau.
  Second. That until such arrangements and agreements be made by the railroad bureau with the railroad companies, those companies shall be paid the rates of passage and freight established at the railroad meeting held at Augusta, Ga., on the 15th day of December last (except when special contracts have been made), and that the companies shall, as they have always hitherto done, give precedence to Government transportation over that of individuals.
  Third. That the several railroad companies be supplied through the railroad bureau with all such tools and materials as the Government can, consistently with the wants of the Army and Navy, from time to time furnish at fair prices to be agreed on, and also with such iron rails as may at any time come into possession of Government, by impressment or otherwise, from railroads deemed unimportant, or comparatively unimportant, for Government transportation.
  The committee believe that a considerable portion of the supply necessary to maintain the important railroads of the country could be secured at once by the exercise of a spirit of liberality on the part of the Government -- a liberality imperiously demanded by the pressing wants of those companies. There is a rolling[-mill] at Atlanta, Ga., which was established by pecuniary aid given by railroad companies of Georgia, and which never would have been established without such aid, engaged exclusively on Government work. That establishment, as well as all or nearly all the other iron-works in the country, have been during the war engaged by the Government, and thus the railroads have been deprived of every means of supply. Let the Government forego further work at the Atlanta rolling-mill entirely and concert measures for having the Tredegar rolling machinery in thorough working order to re-roll all rails presented and great relief will be given.
  The committee believe that the Government should give substantial encouragement to the building up of furnaces, forges, iron-works, machine-shops, and car factories by individuals or by railroad or other incorporated companies. Such works founded on private capital cannot be imported until the Government shall (in addition to assurances already given by the Mining Bureau when applied to) publicly pledge its faith that none of them shall ever be impressed or taken for Government use. If such pledge be given, there is no doubt that private enterprise and capital would in a short space of time build up establishments of the kind most needed by the railroads. The railroad companies do not seek any pecuniary aid from Government. They ask only that the Government will afford them such facilities as can be granted without any hazard or loss. As supplies of tools, steel, and many other articles cannot be procured without resorting to the English manufactories, it becomes necessary for the railroad companies to place money or establish credits in England. The companies being generally willing to risk the blockade in order to procure supplies cannot in the present condition of exchange so place money or establish credits without the aid of Government. The committee would therefore respectfully recommend that whenever any railroad companies or association of companies shall purchase cotton and pledge the same to the Government, that an arrangement be made for their benefit of a character similar to the late loan procured on cotton in Europe by the Government. The operations of the Government have, from the very necessity of the case, interfered with the operations of the railroad companies. Many mechanics absolutely necessary toward keeping up railroad works are now in the Army. Without these workmen the railroads, even with supplies of iron, cannot get along. The number of such men cannot exceed, if it shall reach, 1,000. The committee would therefore earnestly recommend the detail of such mechanics as may be found absolutely necessary be made to railroad companies without delay.
[Inclosure No. 2]
  Resolved, That in order to increase the present efficiency and capacity of the railroads in their existing condition for the military transportation of the Confederate States, the following measures are respectfully recommended to the War Department:
  First. That on all canals, rivers, and other lines of water transportation as large a number as practicable of boats and vessels of any kind be speedily constructed and used for transporting military supplies, so as to relieve the railroads of the overwhelming amount of freights now thrown upon them, and leave them available for transportation of what cannot be carried by water because of its locality or the urgency with which it is needed.
  Second. That [at] all points which are suitable for the storage and distribution of supplies on the lines of railroads or water transportation adequate store-houses or shelters, if only of canvas, be erected and guarded for the storage and distribution, as they may be needed at various points, of supplies, which otherwise will inevitably detain many cars from active service.
  Third. That for the increase and improvement of military transportation on railroads the Government should as early as practicable import from Europe artisans, machinists, and miners in number not less than 500 to supply the mines, rolling-mills, and machine-shops needed by the Government and railroads.
  Fourth. That more stringent and efficient army regulations and orders be made and rigidly enforced preventing effectually interference by military officers with the movements of trains and operations of railroads and with the obedience of railroad officers and agents to the orders of their superiors.
