OR, Series 4, Vol. 1, Page 417

President's Office
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R. Co.
Richmond, July 2, 1861
Hon. L. P. Walker
Secretary of War
  In compliance with your request of this morning I herewith hand to you a copy of my recent communication to the President in relation to the railroad connections in the cities of Richmond and Petersburg. In addition to the information therein contained you desired to be informed: First. Within what time the railroad companies concerned would bind themselves to construct these works if supplied by the Confederate States Government with the requisite pecuniary aid advanced on account of the cost of transportation to be performed by them for the Government. Second. What would be the amount of that pecuniary aid required. Third. At what time or times and in what mode and amounts those companies would refund to the Government the money so advanced. My reply to the first of these inquiries is, that although these works may be constructed in from six weeks to two months, yet, in view of the difficulty at this time of procuring either men or materials for such a work, the companies concerned could not bind themselves to complete the work in less than three months from the day when the arrangement with the Government shall be made. Second. To the second inquiry I reply that $60,000 in money or in the bonds of the Confederate States would greatly facilitate the early construction of these works, but even $50,000 of the same funds would enable them to construct them within the three months specified. Third. This amount, if so advanced by the Government, the railroad companies could refund in annual installments of 10 per cent., payable in tolls and fares for transportation done for the Government so far as the same shall be due at the date when each installment shall be due, and in money or C. S. securities to the extent that the said tolls and fares shall fall short of any installment at the date when it shall be payable, the whole balance of the amount so advanced by the Government, with legal interest thereon from the date or dates of such advancement, to be repaid to the Government at the expiration of three years after the termination of the existing war.
Asking the favor of a reply as early as may be convenient to you
I am, with much respect, your obedient servant
P. V. Daniels, Jr.
President Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. Co.
(In behalf of the companies concerned.)
