OR, Series 4, Vol. 1, Page 405

President's Office
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R. Co.
Richmond, June 27, 1861
His Excellency Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederate States
  I was apprised some short time since by the Secretary of this Commonwealth, who is also a director of this company, of your expression to him of your sense of the importance to the public defense of a speedy connection of the railroads between Weldon and the Potomac frontier which terminate in the cities of Richmond and Petersburg. Although during the existing war and until a resumption of intercourse with the States north of the Potomac these connections are of comparatively little value to any of the companies owning these railroads, and of none to this company, which by the seizure of its Potomac steam-boats and the blockade of that river is cut off from Washington, the other terminus of its route, yet the companies have ever in former years of peace and intercourse between the Northern and Southern States appreciated the advantages of such connections, and have only been prevented from long since constructing them by the opposition of the two cities, without whose consent these companies were never authorized by the Legislature to make them. When, therefore, some six weeks since they were applied to by the military authorities of this State to say in what mode and on what terms these connections could be made and rented or sold by the Government to these companies, they immediately had the requisite surveys and estimates made by experienced engineers, and gave the desired information to the State authorities, which, on his application, they afterward furnished to the Quartermaster-General of the Confederate States. The work was ascertained and reported to be practicable, and estimated to cost about $75,000. To its construction by the railroad companies two obstacles, insuperable to them, were presented. First, the want of power to compel the consent of the cities to its construction; and second, the want of present pecuniary means to pay for it. The first of these obstacles the Governor of this State supposed he removed by his instruction to me of the 11th instant, authorizing me in a few vague words to have only one of these connections made in accordance with one (not specifying which) of three propositions which I had submitted in behalf of the companies concerned some four weeks before, to construct both these works with money to be advanced by the State and ultimately repaid by these companies. But a more precise authority being necessary, not only because of the ambiguity of that given, but because on the face of the paper giving it appeared the unanimous advice of the Executive Council, if not questioning the Governor's power to give it, at least earnestly advising its reference to the convention, I sought for that more definite instruction, and received for reply a sanction for my hesitation to comply with his instruction in the Governor's decision to refer the matter to the convention, which he did on the 17th instant. That body on yesterday passed an ordinance giving the requisite authority to the railroad companies to construct these works, but without any pecuniary aid from the State. This, in the present crippled condition of these companies, and especially of my own company (which has lost not only half of its annual revenue, but a large portion of its capital invested in the Potomac steam-boats), it is most impolitic and probably impracticable for them to do. Certainly they cannot afford to employ on the work such a force as would complete it at any very early day. Yet, that it should be completed at the earliest possible date I learn from General Lee and the Quartermaster-General to be of the utmost importance to the public defense, and I can readily conceive this to be so. Besides the inconvenient and perhaps hazardous delays occasioned to the Army by the want of these connections, a very heavy expense must inevitably be incurred without them by the Government for the transportation through these cities of troops and army munitions and supplies. If, on account of this expense, the Government of the Confederate States could advance the whole or perhaps even the greater portion of the cost of these connections the companies constructing them might refund of that cost to the Government annually the interest and a percentage of the principal during the existing war, and within, say, three years after its termination the balance of the principal advanced, each installment of interest and principal to be retained out of what will be due then to them from the Government for army transportation, or to the extent that such installment shall exceed what shall then be due for transportation to be paid to the Government in money or its own securities. If such an arrangement be acceptable to you, and you desire any further information from me respecting it, I shall be pleased to afford it to you either in writing or in a personal interview, which last I have refrained from proposing from an unwillingness to trespass upon your valuable time, although it would afford a much better opportunity for considering and arranging what may be done. The same consideration has prevented my testifying by a special visit the high respect with which I am,
Your obedient servant
P. V. Daniel, Jr.
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R. Co.
