OR, Series 1, Vol. 7, Page 883

Edgefield, Tenn., February 15, 1862
Hon. J. P. Benjamin
   I learn 15,000 arms have run the blockade on the steamship Victoria at New Orleans. I request that they may be immediately sent to me at Murfreesborough, Tenn., where there will be an agent to receive them, suggesting that they may be placed in charge of special messenger, with power to impress all passenger locomotives on the railroads, by which means they can be sent in less than half the time that freight engines would deliver them. I also wish to ascertain what kind of guns they are, their caliber and character, so as to have proper ammunition prepared here at Nashville by the time they arrive. The men to use them can be found, and in the present emergency they may be of vital importance.
I am, sir, very respectfully,
A. S. Johnston
General, C. S. Army
