OR, Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 502

Headquarters Fifteenth Army Corps
Columbia, S. C., February 20, 1865
Maj. Gen. John A. Logan
Commanding Fifteenth Army Corps
   I have the honor to make the following report of the destruction of property in and about Columbia, S. C., done in compliance with written instructions from Lieut. Col. William E. Strong *****. owing to the great variety of articles and property destroyed and the general confusion they were in, it has been impossible to make actual inventories. The following are estimates, and I believe them to be in most cases rather under than above the actual amount: 1,000 bales of cotton, 19 locomotives (these comprised all the locomotives in and about the city, they were destroyed by burning the wood work and breaking everything breakable about their machinery and punching holes in their boilers and tenders); 20 box cars (all that were left of a large number destroyed by the incendiary fires of the 17th instant); all the buildings not previously burned belonging to the South Carolina Railroad and depot, 2 large freight sheds being included; in these freight sheds were destroyed 60 sets complete of six-mule team harness, 1,000 pounds of trace chains, 40 kegs of nails, 25 kegs of railroad iron spikes, 5 tons of railroad machinery of various kinds, and a large miscellaneous collections of articles valuable to the enemy, which it was impracticable under the circumstances to classify and make an inventory of; 650 car wheels {enough for 81 cars} (destroyed by sledging off the flanges); *****
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant
L. E. Yorke
Lieut. Col. and Asst. Inspector General, Fifteenth Army Corps
