OR, Series 1, Vol. 46, Part 3, Page 1373

Headquarters First Army Corps
April 1, 1865
Maj. E. Taylor
Chief Quartermaster First Corps, &c.
   How long after Field's two first brigades have gotten off before you can have transportation {on the Richmond & Petersburg RR} ready for the other brigades--about 3,000 men? Notify me at once.
O. Latrobe
Assistant Adjutant-General
April 1, 1865
Maj. E. Taylor
Chief Quartermaster
   Have you secured transportation? Let me know as soon as possible when the third, fourth, and fifth brigades can get off. The first two I suppose you can get off as soon as they reach town.
O. Latrobe
Assistant Adjutant-General
Headquarters First Army Corps
April 1, 1865
Major Taylor
Chief Quartermaster, First Corps
   The other brigades will have to go by railroad. They cannot march and reach Petersburg in time or in good condition. Two of the brigades, about 1,700 men, will start in five hours after the first. The other brigade will come later.
O. Latrobe
Assistant Adjutant-General
Headquarters First Army Corps
April 1, 1865
Maj. Gen. C. W. Field
Commanding Division
   General Lee orders that your division be sent to Petersburg at once--two brigades by railroad and three by dirt road. You will start your two right brigades at once for Richmond to take the ears for Petersburg. The pickets in front of them will remain until General Gary relieves them, which he has been ordered to do at once. They will then follow you by railroad. The three other brigades will as soon as I can inform you by what route they will march. You will leave the pickets out in their front until General Ewell relieves them with his Local troops, when they will follow on via railroad and join you. You will leave your tents, &c., standing on the line. Major Taylor will furnish railroad transportation for the two brigades which go to Richmond by the time they reach there.
Respectfully, &c.
O. Latrobe
Assistant Adjutant-General
