NP, YE 1/7/1863

From the Yorkville (S. C.) Enquirer
January 7, 1863
King's Mountain Railroad Company
   The proceedings of a late meeting of the Directors of this company, will be found in our columns to day. The report, though brief, is highly satisfactory, as it will be seen a dividend of 5 per cent. on the earnings of the past year ($10,160.00) has been declared, leaving in the treasury a balance of $11,088.52. When it is taken into consideration the great diminution of freights, owing to the war, to meet which the increase of travel is by no means commensurate, we must give credit to the controlling power that has contributed to the present state of the finances.
   Mr. Rose owing to the importunities of Duncan, McRee & Co., who have just commenced iron works, on a large scale, in Chatham county, North Carolina, has undertaken the position of Superintendent, and thus resigns the Presidency of the road he has so acceptably filled; while he carries into his new situation the experience of many years in Spartanburg and Gaston county, North Carolina. W. A. Latta, Esq., is the temporary President; we doubt not he will use every endeavor, and spare no means to render his road a safe conveyance and good investment.
Columbia Guardian
