NP, YE 1/25/1865

From the Yorkville (S. C.) Enquirer
January 25, 1865
The Flood at Augusta and Hamburg
   Upon every side are the marks of devastation. Fences are gone from about dwellings -- handsome yards have the shrubbery uprooted -- lamp posts are turned topsy turvy -- trees thrown down -- frame tenements washed from their foundations -- whole streets rendered impassable gullies -- crossing washed away -- lumber, outhouses, &c., piled in promiscuous heaps -- all indicative of the immense force of the current.
   The South Carolina Railroad Bridge remains intact, and has suffered no perceptible damage. The tracks through Hamburg has, however, been greatly injured. For a distance of several hundred yards the iron and cross ties were lifted from the trestle-work and moved entirely to the low grounds adjoining.
