NP, WJ 3/31/1864

From the Wilmington Journal
March 31, 1864
   The rapid repair of the railroads in Mississippi, destroyed by Sherman's forces {mostly the Mobile & Ohio RR}, shows two things: One is that it is easier talking about destroying railroads than it is doing it, and further that our people in the Southwest are not yet shorn of their spirit and energy.
   A dispatch from Meridian, Miss., published in the Richmond Enquirer of Saturday, furnishes information to the effect that the road destroyed by Sherman's force had been repaired in 25 working days, and it was expected that thirty-five additional miles destroyed by General Smith, would be repaired in ten days more.
   This is certainly a surprising statement in view of the immense harm which Sherman claimed to have inflicted upon the roads, sufficient one would think to have prevented their being put in working order again for six months to come.
