NP, WJ 11/20/1863

From the Wilmington Journal
November 20, 1863
Proceedings of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company
   Pursuant to notice, the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington  Weldon railroad company convened at the court house in the town of Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 18th of November, 1863.
   On motion of Mr. S. D. Wallace, Thomas D. Walker, Esq., was called to the chair, and Dr. B. F. Whitaker, of Halifax, and J. W. Thompson, Esq., of Wilmington, were appointed secretaries.
   On motion, the secretaries were appointed a committee to examine proxies and ascertain the amount of stock represented.
   The committee reported that 7,810 shares of stock were represented by individual stockholders, and 4,000 shares by Col. S. L. Fremont, as proxy for the State; being a majority of the shares of the stock of the company, the chairman declared the meeting duly organized in conformity with the requirements of the charter of the company.
   Mr. S. C. Wallace, on behalf of the president and directors, read their annual report, and submitted the report of the superintendent and financial statements of the treasurer, which several reports, on motion of Jerre Pearsall, Esq., were accepted by the meeting without the usual reference to a committee, and ordered to be printed with the proceedings of the meeting.
   A preamble and resolutions were then offered by Col. S. L. Fremont, and at his request, laid upon the table for the further consideration of the meeting. 
   On motion, the meeting adjourned till half-past two o'clock, P. M.
2 1/2 o'clock, P. M., Nov. 18th, 1863
   Met according to adjournment, when the following preamble and resolutions, submitted by Col. S. L. Fremont, in the morning, were taken up:
   Whereas, It is of vital importance to the stockholders of this company that the roadway and machinery of every kind, station buildings and repair shops, should be put in a condition in all respects to correspond with a first class Rail Road; to accomplish this, and to enable the owners to reap all the benefits that should rightfully accrue to them, by a good and economical management of their Road, and at the same time to afford the most ample facilities to the public for the transportation of persons and things. Therefore,
   Resolved, That the Board of Directors be requested to take immediate steps to accomplish the results asked for in the foregoing preamble. To that end to set aside an ample renewal fund, to collect materials, purchase lands, and commence such works as in their judgment may be deemed best, and without unnecessary delay to complete the Road and Machinery, Depot buildings and shops upon a scale of permanency, convenience and style commensurate with the importance of the work to which they belong.
   Resolved, That it is the opinion of the stockholders that all the permanent improvements that can be made judiciously during the war should be made as soon as practicable, and that a liberal portion of the nett income should be annually applied to completing the works called for above.
   Col. Fremont urged the adoption of the preamble and resolutions in a few appropriate remarks, when Col. John McRae offered the following as an additional resolution:
   Resolved, That the Board of Directors, in connection with other Rail Road Companies, be requested to consider the propriety of aiding by a loan of means, or by becoming in part proprietors, of a Rolling Mill for Rail Road and other iron necessary for the maintenance of the Road and machinery.
   The question being put upon the passage of the preamble and resolutions offered by Cols. Fremont and McRae, they were read senatim and passed unanimously.
   Col. Fremont then offered the following:
   Resolved, That the salary of the President be fixed at $8,000, and that of the Treasurer at $4,000, for the current fiscal year.
   J. A. Taylor, Esq., moved to amend the resolution by fixing the salary of the Treasurer at $4,500. The amendment was accepted and the resolution adopted.
   On motion of Colonel John McRae it was further
   Resolved, That the President and Treasurer of this Company be paid a bonus equal to the salaries received by them respectively for the first year, as a just and well-earned compensation for past services.
   On motion of J. A. Taylor, Esq., the meeting proceeded to the election of a President of the company and seven directors, and the secretaries with J. A. Taylor, esq., were appointed a committee to receive and compare the votes.
   The election resulted in the Choice of S. D. Wallace, Esq., for President, unanimously, and the following stockholders members of the board of directors, viz: Hon. R. R. Bridgers, of Edgecombe, and Messrs P. K. Dickinson, Bennett Flanner, Edward Kidder, A. J. DeRosset, Walker Meares and J. D. Bellamy, of Wilmington.
   Col. S. L. Fremont, proxy for the State, officially announced the appointment by the board of internal improvements of Col. G. W. Collier, of Wayne, W. W. Brickell, Esq., of Halifax and W. A. Wright, Esq., of Wilmington, directors on the part of the State.
   On a motion of Hon. R. R. Bridge3rs, the resolution above offered by Col. John McRae, giving a bonus to the president and treasurer for past services was reconsidered and the following resolution offered as a substitute.
   Resolved, That all officers now in the services of this company, be allowed one hundred per cent. on their respective salaries of the past year, as fixed by the stockholders at their last meeting, or by the directors at their meeting on the 5th of December, 1862, and that the board of directors be requested to make a proper increase of the wages of agents and employees of the company for services during the past year. The resolution being seconded passed unanimously.
   On motion of Col. Fremont,
   Resolved, That the president, directors, officers, agents and employees of this company have always been allowed to travel on their own business or pleasure when they had occasion to do so, as part of their pay or emoluments; and the stockholders in annual meeting assembled, do hereby declare that this privilege shall be extended to them in future, and they shall be considered to have paid two and a half cents per mile in their services to the company for all the mileage they may thus make in addition to such money allowances as may be paid them from time to time.
